why - handdippedchocolates.com https://handdippedchocolates.com Love Dipped In Chocolate Mon, 20 Feb 2023 19:48:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://handdippedchocolates.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-Chocolate-Mint-32x32.png why - handdippedchocolates.com https://handdippedchocolates.com 32 32 Why Hand Dipped Chocolates Are Better https://handdippedchocolates.com/hand-dipped-chocolates-are-love/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hand-dipped-chocolates-are-love Tue, 24 Jan 2023 20:55:12 +0000 https://handdippedchocolates.com/?p=29 my 11 year old grandson, just as confident as any fine chocolate connoisseur could be, simply said, “It’s the love.”

The post Why Hand Dipped Chocolates Are Better first appeared on handdippedchocolates.com.


A dear friend with whom we’d shared a box of hand dipped chocolates asked how many boxes like the one he’d received did we produce and share with friends and family.

When I told him, he did a bit of math and said “that must cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars.” I confirmed that “yes in deed it did.” He paused and said, “and that doesn’t even begin to include all the time and energy.” I confirmed his assessment with a nod.

He then asked the question that led me to the theme of this post. “Why do you do it?”

Each year when we’re up to our elbows in chocolate, butter, cream and nuts, I ask that same question. I’ve long since given up trying to speed it up or cut corners to save on the time and energy part. My wife – the brains and talent behind our hand dipped chocolates tradition, claims “it’s a labor of love.”

Love trumps all the logic levied to streamline the efforts.

Reflecting on the countless complements, rave reviews, thank you’s, etc. this past year, I couldn’t help but ask, “why are hand dipped chocolates so much better received and appreciated than the many commercial chocolates?”

So I did. I went around asking what made our hand dipped chocolates so much better than other chocolates.

I got answers, like “They’re creamier,” “they’re smoother,” “the chocolate blends with the centers better,” “their mellow flavor is not so overpowering,” “their texture is more fine,” “they’re fresher.” Variation of answers like these came to a screeching halt when my 11 year old grandson, just as confident as any fine chocolate connoisseur could be, simply said, “It’s the love.”

That says it all. You can buy, and spend, and mix, and dip, but the magic, the secret, the unpatentable ingredient is love.

The post Why Hand Dipped Chocolates Are Better first appeared on handdippedchocolates.com.
